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forehead wrinkles and eye wrinkles before and after Dysport

Got forehead lines, crows feet, 11s?Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and others are called neuromodulators. They keep your muscles from contracting and etching lines in your skin. 

Frown Line Facts

Creams and lotions don’t always cut it.

Your skin care regimen probably includes a number of over-the-counter cosmetic products. That’s perfectly fine. But when it comes to improving the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows, across the forehead or at the sides of your eyes, a prescription classified as neuromodulators (such as Dysport® or Xeomin®) is the best choice for lasting results. We also offer the popular "Lip Flip". A nice way to "try it out" before you commit to filler in your lips!

It’s not an age thing.

Of course time is a factor. But wrinkles and frown lines between the brows and on your forehead don’t simply mean you’re getting older. They’re caused by repeated movements and muscle contractions, which means they can even develop in younger adults. Frown lines ("elevens"), forehead lines and "crow's feet" are the mark of an expressive face. Neuromodulators such as Dysport® and Xeomin® help relax the muscles so the lines don't get deeper.

You don’t have to “live with ’em.”

You squint, you smile, you frown — wrinkles happen. That’s life. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Dysport® and Xeomin® treatments are here to help you stand up to the lines and take control of your look.

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